The Assigned Life

Some have said that God is still writing our story but according to scripture, our story is already written. Every aspect of what we have already experienced and what has yet to be lived out was and is fully and completely part of his plan.

It seems reasonable to imagine a big-picture God who created the world and everything in it. We see the beauty and wisdom of his work every day in this wild, wonderful world. But God, within the big picture, is not impersonal. He is the God of the intimate, intricate details who not only appointed the stars in the sky but has given each one a name (Psalm 147:4). He knows the number of hairs on your head on any given day (Matthew 10:30). You are his handiwork, his poetic masterpiece created with a purpose (Ephesians 2:10). God formed you; knit you together in your mothers womb and set you apart for something specific before you were born (Psalm 139:13). Consider the beauty and wisdom of his work as one created by God!

There are no mistakes in our story. Just as God’s plan for salvation was set in place before the foundation of the world, his redemptive plan for our lives has been established. Some have said that God is still writing our story but according to scripture, our story is already written (Psalm 139:16). Every aspect of what we have already experienced, and what has yet to be lived out, was and is fully and completely part of his plan. He was not surprised by the ungodly, sinful paths many of us chose. On the contrary, knowing that path from the beginning, God used our choices to bring us to where we find ourselves today.

In the middle of speaking about marriage, Paul gives us an overarching spiritual principle addressing any circumstance and human condition.

1 Corinthians 7:17 Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which the Lord has called him.

It is the responsibility of each Christian to live their life in contentment, for God has called us to glorify him in it. He has given us this life, at this time, with these circumstances to serve him faithfully. Though our tendency is to search for a way of escape, perhaps believing we cannot serve the Lord as things are, he requires that we faithfully stay the course.

As ones who often imagine what we could accomplish if life were different, we run the risk of wasting present opportunities dreaming of what might have been or what could be. This mindset does not please the Lord or serve him well. Waste no time pondering the what-ifs or if-onlys. His way is through the great waters (Psalm 77:19) not around it. It is God who leads us through the seas of troubles and teaches us to follow. He has you here for his good purposes.

Consider the imprisoned Apostle Paul who was called to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. How does one bring the gospel and encourage the saints while behind bars? He writes letters to the churches from a cell and has them sent off by faithful brothers. These letters are the eternal word of God. Did Paul know that thousands of years later his letters would impact the world for Jesus? I’m not sure he did. God’s purpose for Paul’s imprisonment was eternal. God’s purpose for our perceived obstacles are in fact his vehicles to accomplish what he has planned.

We cannot and should not deny the hard course we have walked or are currently treading through. Life has its difficulties. But in the midst of a painful, hard season of life God beckons us to trust in his sovereignty, his wisdom and his goodness. He is not indifferent to our struggles. His steadfast love extends to the heavens (Psalm 37:5). He is working for our good and for his glory (Romans 8:28).

Psalm 77:19 Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were unseen.

We do not travel alone; though his footprints are unseen he is with us. It was God who brought the frightened Israelites to the edge of the Red Sea. It was God who opened up the sea for them to continue on dry land. He will direct our path as we trust in him.

Commit your way to the Lord. Peace and contentment are found in knowing and trusting in the character of the One who, not only knows you and knows your struggles but appointed you to them and promised to be with you until the end of the age.

So run with endurance the race he has marked out for you! (Hebrews 12:2). He who called you is faithful; he will surely do it (Thessalonians 5:24).